I have been doing some spiritually oriented study on the concept that there is an atmosphere surrounding every person that not only affects that person but all who come in contact with that person. There are different 'names' for this concept, but the basic concept is the same. Take it for what it is worth but here are a few thoughts that I have gleaned during my perusal of this topic.
"The spirit and word and influence you carry are making impressions
upon the minds of others. The atmosphere which surrounds the soul, if it
is evil, will be like a spiritual malaria, which will be poisonous to those around.
But it is profitable for the soul to have an atmosphere that will be a
savor of life unto life to others. When the soul is weighted with the truth
which works by love and purifies the soul, a heavenly atmosphere will
pervade the soul."
We were in Africa for 6 years and while there had some opportunity to see first hand the 'effects' of the malaria 'bug'. There are several different kinds of malaria, but one that is very common causes a person to get chills and then fever on a fairly regular 'cycle'. Between the chills and fever a person may feel 'normal'. I began to compare the knowledge about the effects of physical malaria to an 'atmosphere' that was compared to malaria. Could a person with that kind of 'atmosphere' around them at times seem to be 'on fire' but then 'chill out', toward whatever they are dealing with? And then part of the time they may seem 'normal'? I have met people who seem to function that way on a fairly regular basis.
On the other hand - and this is what really encouraged me - I won't have 'malaria' when Jesus is in my heart. For some reason or another neither my husband or myself ever had malaria when we were in Africa on mission. I believe God wants to 'heal' me so my 'atmosphere' will give life to others.
Here is another interesting quote on this subject.
"Either we are on Christ's side of the question or on the enemy's
side. And if we are continually drawing rays of divine light from
glory, angels of God are around about us and there is an atmosphere
that surrounds the human soul. Our very attitude, our very words,
witness genuine conversion to all who come with the sphere of
our influence."
In my imagination it is as though by my putting God's word inside of me, those words shine out, creating an atmosphere of 'light' all around me. The next quotes helped me see how that can become a reality.
"It is the atmosphere of grace which surrounds the soul of
the believer, the Holy Spirit working upon mind and heart,
that makes him a savor of life unto life, and enables God to bless
his work."
"God's word is full of assurances of what he will do for us
if we will come to Him and ask in faith. Faith is essential. It
surrounds the soul with the atmosphere that pervades
heaven. This is the rest that Christ has promised to all who
come to Him."
God is in the business of surrounding me with the atmosphere of grace. That is awesome.
As I read a little more I came across how I can affect the atmosphere around me for good.
Sweeten the atmosphere that surrounds your soul. . . .
Praise with heart and soul and voice, Him who is the health
of your countenance, Your Saviour, and Your God. "
"Christ in the heart, Christ in the life, this is our safety.
The atmosphere of His Presence will fill the soul with
abhorrence of all that is evil."
"The souls of those who love Jesus will be surrounded
with a pure, fragrant atmosphere.
"A heavenly atmosphere surrounds his soul; for
Christ is abiding within."
Sad to say, I can also 'pollute' my atmosphere.
"If he is living in selfishness, he surrounds his soul
with a malarious atmosphere;"
I am humbly grateful that God has not accepted some of my previous choices (which polluted my 'atmosphere'). He is still seeking to bring me close to Him. He has also sacredly guarded my power to choose. This next thought brings that out clearly.
"The atmosphere that surrounds the soul is
fraught with influence for good or evil. It may be full
of poison and malaria, or be fragrant and pure and
health giving. This moral influence will be according
to our connection with Christ or our separation from
Him who is light and life.
Praise the Lord! I can still choose to 'sweeten' the atmosphere around me.
"Open the windows of the soul heavenward, and
let the light of the Sun of Righteousness in. Do not complain.
Do not mourn and weep. Do not look on the dark side. Let the
Peace of God reign in your soul. Then you have strength to
bear all your sufferings, and you will rejoice that you have
grace to endure. Praise the Lord; talk of His goodness; tell
of His power. Sweeten the atmosphere which
surrounds your soul."
I learned more than I have shared here, but in closing for this time, consider the following.
"If you seek the help and grace of God, the Holy Spirit will
take possession of mind and character and work in you that
which you can work out with all safety to yourself, and with
all benefit to others. . . . The atmosphere that surrounds
your soul will be of a pure, healthful character."
What a wonderful heavenly Father I have. And I pray that you will not only be blessed by my sharing with you today but you will also receive the inflowing of the Holy Spirit to 'sweeten' the atmosphere around you even more.
Go in Peace with Jesus.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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