So much has been happening. So many experiences have become part of my life 'history' in just the past few days. I've often thought of things that might be good to write. But it seems I have been experiencing so much that the time to write about it has been lacking.
Then this evening came. I had felt that I had been making progress in a number of relationships that have at times seemed rather 'rocky'. I hope I am correct. Today I spent quite a bit of time with some ladies in planning on our upcoming Vacation Bible School to be held at our church entitled 'Time for Freedom'. Plans are that the first evening we will explore some of the experiences in Daniel's life in relation to 'real' freedom. The next evening we plan to explore more aspects of freedom as pictured in the life of Esther in the Bible. The third evening we will look at God's supreme example of freedom - Jesus. The next two nights we are going to 'fast forward' to 'Religious Freedom' as exhibited in some early American history, particularly relating to John Leland and others around the time of the revolutionary war in what is now the U.S. The last evening we will look at the ultimate experience in freedom when Jesus comes to this earth again to set His people free from both sin and death.
Sounds exciting just writing about it. (We aren't completed with our plans but that gives a bird's eye view.) We have about three weeks to pull this all together.
Then, this evening 'came to an end' and I 'went to bed'. I could give all kinds of reasons, I suppose, but for some reason sleep didn't come. I wasn't worrying, I wasn't busy planning, but somehow, someway, my mind wandered into a forbidden 'path' where God has distinctly said not to go. By the time I 'mentally' realized, it seemed overpowering. Finally I got up to bring my mind back into God's will. I asked forgiveness of God and He has forgiven me. I am not sharing this because I am proud of what just happened. I am sharing this because, through it all, I am realizing that God's peace is not something I 'earn', not something I 'deserve', not something I inherently have. God's peace is a gift He gives me for (in place of) my sin. When I agreed with God that my will was not His will for me and I relenquished 'ownership' of that 'other will' (sin), then I received God's forgiveness - He gave me His will for my other will - and cleansed me from ALL unrighteousness - including the wrong thoughts.
There is a song that came to my mind called 'Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love' .
There comes to my heart one sweet strain, a glad and a joyous refrain
I sing it again and again; Sweet peace, the gift of God's love.
Peace, peace, God's peace; wonderful gift from above.
Oh wonderful, wonderful peace - sweet peace the gift of God's love.
Adam and Eve were created in God's peace. When they accepted Satan's will for them they lost God's peace. The only way I experience God's peace is by accepting God's will again. One gift Jesus gave to every human being was the ability to choose whom they would serve. Satan's government is not based on free choice. Once he gets a person to choose his will then his plan is to draw or drag them as far away from God's will as he can. Satan, formerly called Lucifer, used to live in heaven and he knows by experience God's peace. But now that he has chosen to be God's enemy he tries to get as many as possible to 'join him' in rebellion against the Creator.
But praise God, because Jesus has given me back the power to choose to belong to Him - the Creator of the Universe - again. By choosing to belong to Jesus and accept His life in me, I also receive the gift of God's peace. What love!
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
It was your quotation from the hymn "Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love" that caught my eye this morning. (Today is the 145th anniversary of the birth of its author, Peter Bilhorn.) If you'd like to learn a bit more about this fascinating man, I invite you to check out my daily blog on hymns (Wordwise Hymns for today.
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