Trust - when props I have been leaning on get pulled out? What does that mean?
Trust God - when I am considered the cause for others discomfort because of the way I have handled things?
Trust God's heart - when I am intellectually bombarded with what another considers 'truth' and if I don't agree I am basically 'sent to hell'?
Trust in the Lord with all my heart - even when I don't know what is coming next?
Trust in God and don't lean on my understanding - when my mind screams that I need to be planning how to 'support' myself and little is 'coming in' financially?
Trust. What is God's kind of trust that is talked about so often in the Bible?
Last evening/yesterday I confronted the very uncomfortable 'fact' that we are behind as far as income versus outgo is concerned.
All kinds of scenarios have been pushing themselves into my mind. I was taking a shower and talked to the Lord about a few of them. Should have done this, shouldn't have done that. If so and so had done such and such then we wouldn't be in this condition; yada, yada, yada, yuck.
Is that trusting the Lord?
Oh, we have got to get out there and beat the bushes, right?
Trusting the Lord is asking Him for the help we need and then 'going after it' in whatever way necessary, right? Or is it something far more?
Jesus said 'Ask' and He will give us what is best for us, personally.
Jesus said that we are to 'rest in Him'.
Do we differentiate between spiritual and practical?
Do we consider that we are trusting only when we have planned and done all we can?
Is trust based on our 'actions'?
Those who love God will have such great peace that nothing shall offend them! That is a mouthful.
How does love relate to trust? trusting God? trusting others?
We had an unpleasant task of sharing with a friend that we couldn't take them to town right now because our insurance ran out on our vehicles and presently we can't pay yet. I suspected they would take it hard but it seemed even a bit harder than I expected.
We felt obligated to let another person who is affected by our situation know that we were behind financially, especially since our situation affects them too. They externally took it a little bit easier, or so it seems on the outside.
But how do we relate to others? Can we trust for them as well?
But last night as I was talking to the Lord, I got the distinct impression that there are times when I am going to have to put my whole weight of trust on God - not just have His help, but He is going to have to work out the details as well.
About a year ago my hubby lost his job. I can truthfully say God has been good to us during this past year. He brought in enough to pay the property taxes of several thousand and we ended the year about $0 so to speak, praise the Lord.
Today when we were working on something together I commented that I was thankful for 'one more day' we could do things together. That has been a real blessing.
We have been grateful for unemployment payments from the government but it is possible that has come to an end. Is it now time for even more dependence upon our loving heavenly Father?
We have put in many applications for employment on a regular basis but so far with no results. Is that reason for dismay? Or shouldn't we be focusing on the promises of our loving Father to 'keep us' as He has promised to do?
I believe that there are certain kinds of trust that can only be developed when things get tough and tight. Are we in that situation now?
Whatever situation we are facing right now, I am choosing to praise the Lord, for it drives the enemy of depression and worry (and others) back and gives me the victory of JOY and PEACE in the Lord through God's love pouring into my heart.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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