We have begun reading a book called 'Bait of Satan'.
It has definitely given a lot of food for thought thus far.
Here are a few thoughts I have gleaned up to this point.
'Facts without true love become lies. Jesus is called the Truth because He is just that combination - correct facts plus total love.
One of Satan's baits is to bring about circumstances to try to get us to allow the love God gives us to 'grow cold' through holding on to 'offense' offered us by others.
The offender can be real or imaginary - but it really doesn't matter. If we 'hold on to' either kind (real or imaginary) it disconnects us from really living - which in reality is a gift given only by God.
Just because someone offends us does not mean that we have to accept the 'poison' (death) they offer. Why is it poison to us? For one reason, accepting 'offense' disconnects us from the other person or mind. That, of course, is a lot of what the basis of 'sin' is all about'. Man chose to believe Satan which disconnected the human race from God. [You can't obey both.]
Thank God, that is not the end. There is not only hope but restoration available.
A person does not have to hold on to an offense. They can choose to 'let go' and God will supply the power for that decision to become reality
Just this evening someone was talking to me and I began to feel offended. I asked the Lord to show me how to remain the person as He sees me, even as I was 'feeling' the temptation to feel offended. It was almost amazing but the 'feelings' left. I was able to continue to communicate without resentment. For that I praise the Lord.
I am still learning. We have only read a few chapters so I'm sure there will be much more.
We had a blessed day today.
More later
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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