In order for the heart of a person to 'work' it has to have a 'rest' and it has to have a 'beat'. If both of those 'activities', in the proper sequence, are not properly functioning there is trouble.
The same is true of God's plan for really living. I don't believe God ever intended for us to be on total stress (even the good kind) all the time. Neither is it in His plan for 'lack of stress' (if that is the appropriate way of saying it) continually. Even when Jesus was here on earth, at one point things got so busy 'He told His own family of disciples to 'come apart and rest awhile' for He knew the importance of both experiences in order for proper growth to be experienced.
I believe God is working to teach me how to 'balance' my life 'cycle' of 'rest' and 'activity'.
Another cycle that has come to my attention is what I call the 'joy/peace' cycle.
There are times when it seems everything is quiet. Other times I have felt as though someone forgot what 'rest' means in the 'flurry' of activity. In any case, I believe God is guiding me to learn when to 'rest' in a trusting way and when to 'work' in a joyful manner.
Not long ago I was asked by our church to take on some extra responsibilities, part of which has put me as a member of the local governing 'board' of our church. I had been a member many years ago but due to some false accusations I was removed. Sad to say (for how long it took) it took the Lord several years to get me 'straightened out' - but I am so grateful He didn't give up on me during that time. I had been sensing for some time now that I would be asked to assume more responsibilities, so when I was asked to do it I agreed.
During the years between my first and second experience as a board member of our church there have been many changes. One change has been that many new people have come and some older members have left for one reason or another. Also as time has past I had pretty much 'forgotten' many of the activities I had been involved in when we first came here.
Some months ago (or even longer) some folks had begun talking about making a church directory which would include pictures of our church family. I had been quite busy with various 'jobs' including helping to move a friend recently so the talk about a picture directory had been about as far as that project had been taken.
This week it seems as though our hectic pace has slowed ever so slightly. However, one of my sisters was traveling from Florida to Michigan and stopped by for a few days to visit on her way north. It was so good to spend some time with her and I hope she enjoyed the time as much as I did. While here she showed me a picture directory from another church which had been done on a 'home' computer. I recalled the talk about doing something here for our church so I sat down at my computer and put in the basic outline (for later recall).
After my sister left I decided to 'fill in the blanks' so to speak. It took me a bit longer than what it should have because for a couple of days my computer and printer seemed to be in a big argument most of the time. Anyway, last evening when I went to our youth group where they have asked me to teach a music class to some of the children I took a rough draft with me to show the layout to some folks who had been interested in the project.
To make a long story short, I was brought 'face to face' with some issues I had long forgotten. I was reminded by one person that I had done something like this 'years ago' and that people had been very unhappy with it then, so why was I 'bringing it up again' and a few other points also.
My first reaction was surprise, to say the least. Beings that I had forgotten having done something similar - a church calendar years ago - it took me a while to recall even what they were talking about. (I finally remembered some of it this morning.)
More importantly, though, than a calendar or directory or whatever, I was brought face to face with the facts that some issues from before are still 'around'.
Last time, years ago, I KNOW I was simply too immature either spiritually or emotionally to cope with the underlying challenges. When I realized what was happening last night and this morning I also recognized God knew I couldn't handle the 'trauma' last time. For me it has taken about 10 years of 'growing up' spiritually and emotionally before God could 'bring me back' to the issues to give me the opportunity to be healed by His love in these areas that had previously been so wounded.
I have no reason to believe this experience will be 'easy'. But so long as I choose to believe the JOY of the Lord is my strength, and His PEACE that passes all understanding is available to me (which I am wanting to have all the time), God's healing, transforming, maturing love is working at continuing the growth in me of Christ's character filled with His love.
I have nothing to fear for the future except I forget what God has already done for me in the past.
I don't have time to mention many of the past ways God has led me but I will share a few.
God gave me praying parents. Yes, they made many mistakes, but they still loved God.
God protected me greatly by giving me Christian education in my formative years.
God gave me a husband who dearly loves the Lord and deeply loves me.
God gave me desires of my heart from childhood to be a teacher and a missionary. I taught church school for a few years and after I was married we spent about 6 years in Zambia, Africa on mission appointment.
More recently God has been answering prayers for our son to give him freedom in Christ.
Now, looking forward.
I have nothing to fear for the future because I know who holds it - Jesus.
Many other things are happening both in my life and in the world in general but I believe God is looking for people who will 'trust' Him so much that He can use them to exhibit to the world and to the universe His power in transforming lives to become like Him.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
How does all of this tie in to a 'cycle' I mentioned at the beginning? Maybe I am in one of the 'rest' parts of the cycle (but doubtful it will be for long) of living, but wherever I may be right now I know that Jesus loves me and is in the business of transforming me, so long as I give Him permission, to become a part of His family like Him.
I have much to do today so need to be on my way. Until we meet again may God be with you.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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