Having looked at God's kind of grace for a little while, I began to wonder how 'mercy' might 'fit' into the picture of what I was looking at in more depth.
It appears that 'grace' and 'mercy' are two 'trademarks', if you please, of the Creator God. He often uses those two words to describe what He is really like. When God spoke to Moses He described Himself as "The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth."
Science has 'discovered' that a 'key' element in increasing the capacity of a mind to cope with stress, with life, is to experience JOY and PEACE in harmony with another mind.
God's kind of grace includes my mind experiencing that God loves for me to be with Him (JOY).
As I learned this aspect of God's grace I began to suspect that somehow 'mercy' somehow fits in this picture in a way I had not noticed before.
I began to delve into what 'mercy' includes, particularly God's kind of mercy. What I have learned thus far has been confirming the fact that mercy does indeed fit into the 'equation' of how a human mind grows in capacity to handle stress.
There are some words translated 'mercy' (in the King James Version) that are only used when referring to God. The meaning of mercy described in those uses includes: 'To love deeply and passionately, with a softness and compassionate zeal, especially to those who have had misfortune (or those who do not deserve love), eager, ardent desire.
Other words translated 'mercy' also include the concept of 'covering over', 'overspread', to 'take what the guilty one deserves in order to free them from charges'.
I don't know about you but when I feel condemned, guilty, Im not at peace. At present I am getting the picture that when God extends mercy to me He is offering to take 'my place' as guilty and at the same time to cover me with 'what He is like'. This is not just a legal activity, but God's kind of mercy does all this in me with such deep, tender, compassionate love that instead of guilt I am enabled to experience His peace in my heart.
As I look at this combination of words describing what God is like I stand amazed.
Grace - God giving me what I don't deserve in the form of JOY (He loves for me to be with Him, He keeps letting me know that I am special to Him, I am like the 'apple of His eye' to Him - that type of experience)
Mercy - God doesn't give me what I deserve even though I am guilty of choosing any will other than His will for me (sin). Instead He takes my place as the guilty one, while at the same time, with deep, tender, compassionate love, He offers me His calming PEACE in my heart in place of my guilt and shame.
In order for me to 'grow up', mature, increase my capacity to cope with stress, I must experience JOY and PEACE together in connection with another mind. As I accept God's GRACE (JOY I don't deserve) and MERCY (PEACE in the place of the guilt I deserve) He empowers me to 'grow up', to mature.
I can also experience JOY/PEACE with another human mind. And the more I experience JOY/PEACE with either God or another human mind - the more I can grow up.
I am not the only one in this world who needs grace and mercy. Everyone needs it. And each time I experience God's Grace and Mercy, I am also concluding that God wants me to share what I have received from God through His mercy and grace with others.
Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you through learning more about our wonderful God.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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