It seems I have been so busy I have not taken time to write here much. Lots of things are happening.
About two weeks ago we began a revival series in a tent pitched next to our church. I was asked to play the keyboard, which I was very happy to do. (Last year I had worked with the little children.) Tomorrow there will be a baptism in the afternoon of those who have chosen to follow Jesus' loving invitation to become part of His family here on earth.
Previous to the revival series I helped a friend move her things into storage. She is staying with us temporarily until she can find more permanent housing.
Another friend is taking care of her mother who is elderly. She was getting pretty tired to I staying with her mother three nights this week.
This past Sunday our son volunteered to help me get the farm looking better. We spent several hours on Mother's day improving the looks around the place. I told him it was one of the nicest gifts he could have given me. It also got me motivated to get our flower gardens in shape for the spring and summer. My hubby and I have been able to continue on with getting the flower gardens re-organized and even a couple of 'new' areas ready for planting as well.
On Sabbath afternoons there have been some ladies who have become interested in studying more about God's rescue plan as outlined in the earthly sanctuary in the Old Testament of the Bible. We are also teaching it to the younger children at Sabbath School. It is amazing to see how what 'science' is discovering about how our minds work agree so completely with what God 'taught' through the 'Sanctuary Map'. The more I learn the more awesome is seems.
With so much sleep loss this week I am going to close for this time.
Until we meet again, may God speak good to you.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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