I have been involved in a number of situations recently. It seems that not only are events speeding up in a sense but, in my life anyway, I seem to be perceiving supernatural involvement. God is working in many lives that are in some way interwoven with us. Since our son just recently went into the army I have spent a lot more time working on writing letters. I had almost 'forgot' how to write snail mail (U.S. Postal service) due to the advent of email. But since our son can only get letters for the time being I am making an all out effort to supply a need. This has not been an easy experience for him. We have been claiming God's Holy Spirit and the ministry of angels with, for and in him. Some 'ex-marine' told him that what he is attempting at present is harder than what the 'ex-marine' had already been through. I could believe that with just the few 'reports' I have already received. Since most of my letters are encouraging mainly I decided to copy them and send them to a number of other folk who I believe would also be encouraged with mail. Some of them are presently within the bounds of confinement where they can only receive letters as well. Others are folks who just need more love. It has brought joy to my heart as I hear that these letters have brought encouragement where they have been sent.
Another 'situation' is dealing with some travel plans. I believe God has something in store of us in that area but at present our plans have been in a state of 'change' rather than 'solid'. I am rejoicing in that 'lack' of set dates now though, for our son's dates when we are invited to go for a 'family day' and for his graduation have just been changed due to circumstances beyond our control. I can see God's hand in those situations and I am claiming His peace in my heart.
Where we live has been having some interesting 'interactions' as well. At present there is a young man here and at times he comes and helps me with 'farm' jobs. Today we worked on our driveway. Over the years some of the gravel has gotten mounded and in other places it has gotten quite low. Yesterday and today we worked at rearranging the gravel along with some added 'larger stones' to level out the drive. I am not all that strong but by working on it a little at a time it is looking better and easier to drive on as well. So how does working on the 'road' relate to peace. At present I believe that God is in the business of preparing this property to be a special type of ministry to reveal to others what He is really like. The nicer the place looks the more we will be enabled to share God's love, Joy and Peace with others around us.
Another situation has been bringing me both joy and peace. The lady we helped move (for the second time) has been 'blossoming' in ways I had never seen in her before. When I first met her going on two years ago she was in a bitter legal 'mess'. She was finally extracated from the 'material' part of the 'mess' and in my mind I saw her in a healing process. When she found out that in a sense she had been 'betrayed' again in relation to the house she had moved in to, at first she seemed very frustrated, but then she began to changed. The Lord led to another house, even better, and over a period of about 3 weeks we packed, moved and unpacked (some unpacking is still going on but she is getting along very well, thank you). Due to some other activities that has pulled me away from helping her so much I haven't been to her place much for the past couple of weeks. This afternoon I was able to slip over and help her get her garden planted (we had bought plants earlier but just now got them into her garden area). I really believe that God has been healing her wounds. When a friend took her into town to get some items they needed to go near where the former antagonist 'worked'. My friend made the comment something like "so what". That was a real blessing to hear that from her. Yes, I believe that God is giving both her and myself peace in believing that He is still in control in our lives.
I also believe that the Lord would have me grow in the peace in my heart that God is more interested in restoring more love in families than I even understand. I have been blessed by getting back into contact with some family members that I had actually thought didn't want to communicate (lie). Other members have also been calling with questions, comments and prayer requests. It seems that the more I share what God has been doing in my life, the more folks I have to share with. I am humbly grateful that God seems to be wanting to use me in this way.
Our church has been having a revival during the month of May. May 31st 18 people are either being baptized the first time to signify that they are accepting God's offer to become part of His family here on earth or getting rebaptized in renew their committment to God. There is a great peace that God is wanting to give not only to those who are receiving this awesome experience but also for those of us who will be there to welcome the 'new babes' into our family. This is one of those times when there will be both joy and peace in believing.
Yes, even when outward circumstances don't always seem to lend to peace as the world calls peace, God's kind of peace, beginning with His love in our hearts, can continue to grow as we keep choosing for His will to be our will and we believe that He has our best interests in His heart.
May You have that kind of peace in believing experience in your life as well.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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