Having said all of the above, I hope to be able to share some of the last mentioned - new (to me anyway) spiritual concepts.
1. The Hebrew word for 'praise' (in English) is 'yadda' or something very similar to that. My present understanding of the meaning of that word from 'hebrew' seems to be very symbolic - uplifting open hands - with the concept of opening one's heart, soul and mind to the Creator God for Him to fill with His peace and JOY.
When I heard that the first time I thought of a phrase I have used - ' yadda, yadda, yadda'. I was using it usually when I didn't want to repeat everything someone else had said but still indicate that quite a bit had been said. Now I believe that it is one of those phrases that has been misconstrued to mean something else. I really do like, however, the idea of saying, "I open my mind to God and His thoughts, I open my emotions to God and His emotions, I open my heart for God to fill me with His spirit." Wow!
I used to think that I could say 'praise the Lord' when something would happen that was 'good'. This 'new' to me concept has really been changing my thinking. Whenever anything happens I can say 'Lord, I open my mind, heart, emotions - all of myself - to You. Even when what I consider 'bad' happens I can still say 'praise the Lord!' for it is not dependent on outside circumstances but rather an inward desire to have the Lord have His way inside of me.
I saw many folks who recognized me at camp meeting even though most of them I can't seem to remember. There was also 'Messiah's Mansion' - a lifesize model of the mosiac sanctuary. Tours were given about 15 minutes most of every day including Sabbath afternoon. I was very much blessed the two times I went through the exhibit. Anyone who knows or has studied about Bible temples I believe could have been blessed. Even those who haven't could learn a lot. They talked about the 'earthly' temples, the heavenly temples and the 'personal applications. Praise the Lord.
I got to the place many times at campmeeting - and more and more other times as well - of saying to my heavenly Father something like 'What is on your agenda for me, Lord?'. Sometimes I would talk to someone, other times someone would talk with me. I was thankful for both kinds of experiences as well as the fellowship and learning in other ways.
There are a number of folks who are in very trying circumstances recently and I, along with others, have been claiming promises for them. God's word does not return unto Him void but it accomplishes what He has sent it out to do. We have claimed that army's of God's angels would be sent to do supernatural battle with the forces of God's enemy. Things are getting tougher and circumstances seem to be getting harder. I am now claiming that those involved most intimately will increase their 'praise the Lord' with the understanding that God is filling them with His Spirit and as such they are representing God in whatever circumstance they are in.
Some of the situations are definitely 'learning' and some are rather steep 'learning curves'. Our son has been having some very difficult challenges and I am 'praising the Lord' - not for the hard times, but I firmly believe God is teaching him and mentoring him to fill a very unique place in God's army wherever he may be.
We have gotten some help at the farm off and on for which we have been grateful. The main kitchen in the big house has finally gotten to the point of ready for paint and painted. There are a few more cabinets that hopefully will get installed in the next few days. I'm not sure what the next project will be but we have been looking at getting some more of the trash picked up and taken away as one project for the very near future.
I mentioned earlier the gardens here. Some items have done well and others not so well. I haven't checked the plants after the hail storm about a half hour ago but I hope it wasn't too bad.
There is much to do and I am thankful for a God that is not caught off guard or by surprise. He actually sings for joy when anyone comes to Him and chooses to accept God's will for their life.
I am glad I can help God sing.
Hopefully it won't take me so long to write again but until then may the God of peace be with you.
Bringer of Peace
Below is part of our flower bed. A friend gave us 'Duke' the alligator
who is getting 'buried' in flowers. I finally have a small water feature'
as well as 'Butterfly weed', 'Carnations', 'Celosia' and 'Roses'.
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