The plan God made involving the Sabbath was unique as well as divine. And because the concept of Sabbath Peace and rest was so effective you can be sure that the enemy will do all in his power to produce counterfeit(s). Why produce a counterfeit if something doesn't work in the first place?
The seventh day Sabbath is the outside sign that I am loving God most, and I love God because He first loved me. I speak good to God, for God and about God because He is already doing the same thing. I am awed as I see more clearly who the God of Peace is and what He is really like.
As I am filled with love from God that capacity allows God's love to flow out to others so that they too can see more of what God is like.
After church I was eating with our church family and a call came to the church from a lady who said she needed a couple of days food. She had just gotten out of the hospital and hadn't really had opportunity to get much yet. I told her I would be happy to bring something over. After everyone had what they wanted we were able to take two dishes made with rice, some desert, a half of a watermelon and some bread. I picked up a few cans of food from our place on our way to the lady's house. After we got there we were able to visit for a little while. I was very thankful for the opportunity to share God's love with another person.
After getting home we read counsel that to let another person suffer for lack of daily 'needs' on the Sabbath is to be guilty of not loving as God intended. I am thankful for the privilege of sharing God's love.
This morning some of my little students got a little bit talkative in the class. At the end another teacher reprimended them. They all said they were sorry. But one of the mothers really 'jumped' on her son and made him come back and apologize again. I told the boy I accepted what he said but I also told the mother that the boy had also said it with the others in class. We spent a few minutes talking together and by the time we parted I believe the boy knew that I loved him just as much as the others in the class.
This evening we have a revival meeting and I am praising the Lord that His love is being revealed to more and more people.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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