It seems that I have been occupied with other things than posting recently. I have thought about it but that is about as far as I have gotten to putting anything in here. I'll share a few happenings but first I want to comment on my study of Psalm 42
I had learned to sing Psalm 42 years ago and when I began recently studying it I had a fleeting thought that I knew pretty much what it 'said'. As usual, when I began to 'unpack' the deeper meaning it became much more personal than simply the KJV version I had learned long ago.
This particular Psalm expresses some of David's feelings concerning what we call today depression. I don't think I have had as much 'depression' as some folks, but it is still a challenge. It sounds to me that the author, which I believe to be King David, was here expressing his feelings during a time when depression was pressing itself on him.
If you are interested in my current understanding of the whole Psalm you can click on it at the link on the right, but I am going to share some here as well.
It impressed me that the very first expression of this Psalm begins so passionately. "As the male deer is passionate for a female (in 'heat'), so am I passionate for You, My Creator."
David goes on to strengthen his position by adding "My whole being craves to see God."
In looking back at my past life experiences I realize how little emotions I have allowed myself to experience when it comes to my relationship with my Creator. (That is one repeating theme I have been seeing as I have been studying through the Psalms - passion of God for us and our responding passion for God)
I find the next expressions in this Psalm to be almost a 'contrast'. David started out by saying how passionate he was in getting to know God. But then he delineates some challenges he has met up with in reaching his goal. These also sound familiar in my life as well. Yet while I have heart longings, even with tears, folks keep asking me "Would God treat you this way?" or "Where is your God?"
David goes on to vent some of his frustrations as well as the effect of people's negative comments on him. "Why am I so depressed?" As usual, though, after David has expressed challenges that face him, the end of the Psalm ends in praise and expressions of confidence in God.
"I choose to agree with the Almighty God. I lift my hands in reverent worship to Him and focus on what He is really like, for He is The One who saves me, delivers me and makes me victorious."
That is faith - agreeing with God's will for me for God has already declared that He has saved me and has obtained victory. Praise the Lord!
Other things have been happening in this part of the world as well. Here's a few of them.
A man and his son needed a place to stay for a little while. He plans to go to Peru in June. In the mean time we agreed they can stay here. He is a carpenter and also does plumbing. He has promised to help us get some remodeling projects worked on and hopefully completed. One of our top priorities is the bathroom on the main floor. The toilet and sink are working but it would be nice to get the shower finished and the walls and ceiling finished as well.
This fall and winter we have gotten more rain - a real blessing after months of almost no rain. We have also had a little bit of snow, but for the most part so far this winter it hasn't been much or for long. The last 'storm' was rain - some of it freezing - but at the end it warmed enough to melt everything.
Our church has been getting some remodeling done. A new rug was installed in the church meeting area and new vinyl - that looks like wood - was put in the basement. Most of the walls were painted and currently the baptistry is getting repaired. It looks a lot nicer. A dream of mine - since I am one of the musicians for the church - is a new organ. The organ we have is possibly 30 years old and some of the inner parts are 'wearing out'. A man from an organ company came by and did show me some settings that sounded 'better' but he told me that parts for that old of an organ are no longer available. To get a 'regular' type organ would begin at around $10,ooo and up for a small one. There are some possibilities of used organs as well. I have also been looking at what is available in the line of keyboard combinations. I don't think any of us really need (or even use) the musical foot pedals so keyboards are one of our options too.
I have a goal of getting the farm straightened up but thus far it has been painfully slow. We have been able to get several loads of 'junk' removed recently but there is still a lot more to go.
A few weeks ago I got my hair cut. It is the first time I can remember getting my hair cut without also getting a permanent curl at the same time. I actually like the looks of it better now than the way I've had it before. I have a slight natural wave and with just a little time spent on the style of hair above my eyes it seems to look pretty good most of the time. I like it anyway.
Well, I have much to do today so will close for now.
Until I write again I wish on anyone who reads this the blessing of God and His peace be poured into your life and heart.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
It's nice to have you back. I hope your new family members show their appreciation in many ways that are helpful to the farm.
Wonderful paraphrases on David.
~Linda AKA Mountain Laurel
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