We are managers of a couple of homes on a farm. I have struggled often in my learning how to encourage peace particularly in relations with those who live on our farm.
Today one lady was busy with a little job. I commented about it - I didn't think in a negative way - but hopefully nicely. She was picking out some 'movies' to watch on her TV. I told her my intent to store the DVDs and CDs in a cupboard with doors so they would be accesible but not 'advertized'. [Since I am a practicing Christian there are some types of movies I do not approve for I don't believe Jesus approves of them either.] She calmly responded that Jesus saw all that type of things and more. I agreed that Jesus saw much more. I made no further comment verbally but inside I thought to myself that I am grateful I don't have to keep all that garbage in my mind just because the Creator has to keep track of it and I thanked God for that limit to what I need to put into my mind.
God's capacity is much higher than mine. God's view is much broader than mine. God's love is far richer than I have yet experienced. And when I keep focusing on Jesus He has promised to fill me not only with His PEACE but also His JOY. Praise the Lord.
I am learning though that in relationships I don't always have to give a 'response'. I can have a peace in listening to what others believe - be it totally correct or still in need of 'tweeking'. I can allow God to take care of any corrections if and when He sees they are needed. That takes a big load off me. I am also hoping that just maybe it might open more possibilities that others might sometimes be interested in other views.
For most of my life I have been known to be a 'talker'. I still do a fair share but I do think I am learning to listen and allow others to have their say without me 'correcting' them.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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