Next week we are planning on having a Vacation Bible School at our church for children. Plans were coming along nicely, or so I thought, until a couple of nights ago. While doing some planning it became evident that some were uncomfortable with the concept of 'interactivity' when it comes to sharing Bible stories. Telling a story was fine and showing pictures was in the comfort zone, if you have any idea what I mean, but beyond that was not 'fair play' or so it came across to my mind. At the end of the evening I had one desire. I wanted to know what God's will was concerning not only the VBS but my relationship to what was happening.
I prayed, studied and pondered and talked to the Lord some more. He, as my Prince of Peace, has the answer and I wanted HIS answer. In His tender way Jesus led me to an inspired statement that gave me the foundational principle. I was satisfied that what we had been planning was not a problem. But the Lord wasn't done. I went on to John 17 and the Lord impressed me that even though what we had been planning may not have been 'wrong' per se, because of other's misconceptions of either 'words' or 'actions' being planned, for the sake of becoming 'community' in Christ, it would be better to lay aside the original plans.
I shared this with the other ladies last evening. After discussing plans a little more we scrapped our original and went 'back' to a 'typical' VBS format (anyone who has done VBS will know what that is). The others felt good about it so that is what we will do.
I am thankful that God has been willing to 'scrap' plans (that would have been SO much better for me but I wasn't willing to accept them at the time) more than once in my life just so I could 'stay' with Him in our walk together.
Another thing my brother pointed out to me was that this time maybe I needed to just 'step aside', get out of the way, so God could speak to them. One lady told me she had to take a couple of 'Aleve' (or similar) after she got home because she had such a headache from it. The other lady said she didn't sleep much because of the problem. I have assurance that God will be with us and that even though the original plan might have been better in some ways, God will also bless this one as well.
Changes happen. I wonder how many times Jesus couldn't do things with His disciples because they couldn't stand that much change that fast? I don't know but I do know that Jesus slows His pace that He might walk with me in my life. Praise God. That is some kind of peace.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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