There was something missing as I wrote my last blog. I went ahead and posted it but when I reviewed it this morning I began to see 'more'. Yes, God has been blessing me with "Peace in spite of ..." and for that I praise Him.
Might there be another level of peace in this regard? Not just "Peace in spite of . . ." as nice as that is. The kind of God I am beginning to learn to know deeper is not in the business of operating 'in spite of. . .' . On the contrary "God's Peace is because . . . ."
God's peace is offered to me because He loves me.
The effects of God's peace realized in my life is because (or perhaps as the result of) my accepting His 'rescue plan' from sin (sin begins with an attitude and results in actions when an opportunity presents itself of believing and acting upon any will other than God's will in relation to me).
God's peace comes into my life because I have chosen to agree with God's will thus granting God permission to draw me into harmony with Him.
God's peace is offered to each and every person on planet earth.
God's peace is life to those who receive it.
God's peace can be shared once it has been received.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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