Wednesday, November 11, 2009

35 Years of Love

Thirty five years ago November 10 we were in the 'center' of the picture rather than by the side of our son who is the groom in the picture. A lot has taken place between then and now but most importantly has been learning to receive and give God's kind of love. I will also hasten to add that God has also been teaching us how to 'grow' and mature by experiencing His kind of JOY and PEACE in our hearts and lives.

(I hoped to add a bit of picture history but my scanner seems to have died now as well as my printer so I will use words instead.)

35 years ago we lived at Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital campus. We had both been students there and at the time of our wedding were staff. For a little while before we were married I had been in a group planning to go to Africa to develop a new mission outreach but since my work visa was denied I chose to remain as a staff member at Wildwood.

We remained at Wildwood until 1977 when we accepted a call to Zambia, Africa. I believe the Lord wanted 'both' of us to go - not just me.

Not long after arriving at Riverside Farm Institute,

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