God is longing to baptize me with His peace. When I experience God's kind of peace, it delights God when He sees me pass that peace on to others. That doesn't mean that the people I attempt to share God's peace with will accept it but the effect on me of being a channel of God's peace to others is a real blessing to me.
I just read the following (for the 5th year) and it really impressed me. I pray it can bless you as well. (The 'blue' comments are my present definitions of particular words) .
"The time has come when it is our eternal interest to believe in Christ. . . . He is the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin (takes away my choosing any will other than God's will for me) of the world. He says, "I will . . . write [my law] (love God supreme because He first loved me and then be the channel of God's love to love others as one's self) in their hearts." He will create in those who come to Him in faith (attitude, resulting in action when the opportunity presents itself, of accepting God's will in my life) a divine principle of holiness(complete unity, harmony, with God in thinking, choosing, acting) , which shall rule in the soul, enlightening the understanding (the intellectual part of me) and captivating the affections(the experiential, passion part of me). . . .
Christ Triumphant 52
I think part of what really impressed me was that this message is for me right now.
Now only is God in the business of taking away my wrong attitudes - leading to wrong thinking and acting as the opportunity presents itself - but He is in the business of replacing that with something much, much better. He is hard at work to put His love in me. My present understanding is that Peace is at least in part the consequences of accepting God's plan as stated above for me - filling me with His love law.
When God fills me with His love then two primary parts of my mind are also 'renewed'. God enlightens my intellect, my understanding. He doesn't just give me the right 'facts' though. That last sentence just jumped out at me. God is in the business of captivating my affections. God loves me and it makes Him sing for JOY when I respond to Him by returning love I have received from Him. Wow! That is just a little bit about the God I am learning to love more. God is more interested in me than what I have been in Him or even in myself. I suppose that is one reason that one of God's names is 'Prince of Peace'.
If you are reading these words I ask God to open your mind to His kind of peace. I also ask my Wonderful Counselor to bring a special, even surprise, gift of Peace and Joy into your felt experience. God is encouraging you by this promise. "Call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and hidden things you don't know anything about yet."
Someone I have been emailing with for several years has long stressed (according to what I have understood anyway) the need to base one's spiritual experiences on the intellectual (which they also believe to be the same as spiritual) part of the human 'mind'. According to what I have understood from them, that as nice as emotions might be (or even as unpleasant as they can get also) they can't be depended upon for anything of real value - for the real valuable is intellectual.
After reading their recent email I read the above statement. That last sentence really jumped out at me. He will create in those who come to Him in faith a divine principle of holiness, which shall rule in the soul, enlightening the understanding and captivating the affections . . . . That is awesome to me.
I pray that as you read these words that God will captivate your affections as well as enlighten your understanding and give you His Joy, His Peace and His Love inside of you.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago