A little over a week ago I got a call from Illinois asking if I would lead out in their VBS (Vacation Bible School) for their church. (It is my brother's church so we are staying with him)
Well, we are here and the VBS started last evening. It wasn't as big as hoped for but I believe it was still a blessing to those who came and those who are working with the children. I know that I was blessed.
We are staying at my brother's place but he, personally, is in Colorado helping some friends move. When we got here his wife had been having some sciatic problems for some time. We have been trying to relieve her by helping her do some things around the place so she could stay off her feet more.
After my brother left (he drove a truck for friends out to Colorado to help them move) she got worse. Sunday night was really hard on her. She tried soaking in a 'clay bath' to see if that would help but it seemed very temporary. She tried some extra strength pain medicine but that did little or no good either. Late Sunday evening I tried working with her legs to see if massage and gentle range of motion might help. She was able to get a little more 'comfortable' and did sleep a little while for which we were grateful.
Monday she rested most of the day except when we took her to the Dr's office. It was a 'little' better but not much or enough. This morning we took her to an appointment for an MRI. She was finally able to sleep after quite a bit of pain after the MRI.
We are praying for her recovery. I am also very grateful that we could be here, especially while my brother was gone. It is not common that we come this way from Virginia.
There are predictions that today may be the hottest day of the year so far here in Illinois. When I heard how hot it might get - upper 90's and possibly three digit heat level, it reminded me of what we have had the past several weeks in Virginia. It has been 90 plus for at least 2 weeks or so and a number of triple digit days thrown in for a 'variety' ( I guess ). Before that it has been so dry that most of the grass was brown. We did get some rain recently which helped some.
Anyway, back to Illinois happenings, we have been treated with utmost kindness and care. We have been blessed working with the folks here in preparing for the "Passport to Life" VBS program and we are thankful for the fellowship with others who love the Lord.
I have not been able to keep up with my email due to computer problems and a few related challenges, but I suppose that may be a little bit of a blessing in some respects as well. And, for those of you who know some of our past VBS experiences we have been having the 'usual' technical challenges as well. This time it seems to be more computer than printer difficulties, although the printer does have issues as well. I had obtained a desk top computer (quad4) but have concluded that simply means there are four heads that have to have a committee meeting every time I put in a request for an activity to be performed. After they call everyone and hash out my request then they finally (usually anyway) decide who will be responsible and then get on their 'high horse' and 'do it', hopefully.
Honestly, I do think that this quad 4 (wwindows 7) is slower than my older xp and at times I have wondered if my 386 may have even been better. But since there is no turning back, I join the 'horse and buggy' era (or at least it sure seems that way part of the time) and try to get done what I think I would like to have done for the current VBS - if and when the committee meetings 'do their thing'.
On a happier note, we are thankful that at least part of the time our cell phone works so we have been in touch with others from time to time. Even though we have have challenges it has been a time to 'get away' from some of our daily routines back home, which does have certain 'rest' advantages when looked at from that perspective.
I still have much to do before the VBS begins again this evening so will 'sign off' for now.
Until we meet again, remember that God loves you and is excited for you to know it.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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