In the last blog I mentioned the possible variety for our thanksgiving encounter.
Well, it was all and more, much more than I had anticipated. Yet, what really took place, actually before thanksgiving dinner, turned out to be along the line of a miracle.
Wednesday afternoon some folks were going to prepare some of the cranberry dishes and other food preparations that could be done ahead of time. One friend who was with us this year wanted to help but I also realized she would be assistance so both my husband and I were on hand. While we were puttering around in the big house kitchen of course there was conversation. But as time went on criticism began to weave its way in. At first it seemed centered on an event that had happened a few days earlier and there was still a certain amount of tension over. But somehow the tension mounted and some things were said that went straight to my own heart. I realized I was not responding as behoves a christian lady. Finally I left. My new daughter-in-law was over at our place and I asked her to pray with me. That seemed to help momentarily. I returned as I perceived my help was still needed. But with time the situation again deteriorated and got even more intense.
I probably wouldn't even share the above except that the whole situation ended in a miracle of love. Since dear ones are involved I will simply say that God was able to reveal both to others and myself 'lies' that had been long held. And even more wonderful I believe God was able to remove lies and replace in minds His truths of love. The Bible teaches that you will know (experience) the truth and it will set you free. And when the Son (Jesus) makes you free, you are free indeed. That is so true, especially on our farm this Thanksgiving.
I am humbly grateful that thanksgiving dinner was a blessed success. I believe a spirit of thanksgiving was truly present and that everyone here received love.
I pray that your Thanksgiving was also blessed.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago