A friend shared the following with me and I pray it will bless you as it did my heart. (Following the quote is a little more of an update on 'current events'.)
“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love . . . “ — Ephesians 3:17
I don’t plan to write a lot this week. A friend of mine that I’ve known since high school sent me three quotations on Facebook the other day, and I want simply to pass them on to you. They truly are quite profound. Each is taken from the book Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing.
"The very first step in approaching God is to know and believe the love that He has to us (1 John 4:16); for it is through the drawing of His love that we are led to come to Him." P. 104-105
"The one thing essential for us in order that we may receive and impart the forgiving love of God is to know and believe the love that He has to us." P. 115
"Know and believe the love that God has to us, and you are secure; that love is a fortress impregnable to all the delusions and assaults of Satan." P. 119
It would seem that our salvation, our security, our growth in Christ—everything is rooted and grounded, dependent simply on knowing and believing in the love God has for us. Not just knowing that He loves us, but coming to a knowledge of, an encounter with, and a belief in the kind of love, the nature of the love He has for each of us.
Do you know what love is?
Do you know the love with which He loves you?
Better yet, do you have the courage to believe it?
These quite possibly are the most important questions we could answer. For it seems that everything depends on them.
May knowing and believing His love become paramount in your life this week.
I wish you God’s best. "
Now for a little more on what is going on in our little 'corner'.
First a few garden notes.
Our 'tomato tree' is slowing down. We only got about a dozen tomatoes from it yesterday. They are smaller and are beginning to 'crack' easier, but they still taste very good. What has been interesting to me has been how that these yellow tomatoes seem to last a whole lot longer than the red tomatoes. The red ones may start 'going bad' at times within a day or two of picking. The yellow tomatoes we have been able to keep for a week or more. That has been especially nice since we have had so many yellow tomatoes coming on. Thank the Lord for the harvest.
Now for a little about our activities.
My hubby hasn't had 'paying' work for several months but we seem to be able to 'keep busy' nonetheless. We have been slowly redoing some of the garden areas around the houses on the farm here. The one that is finished is looking very nice with the yellow and purple button mums that we bought. I want to put some pansies in but they weren't in the stores yet a week or two ago. They should be coming in soon.
A dear friend of ours was in the hospital for a short time last week. We spent time with them and have also been able to help some after they returned home. They are still having quite a bit of pain so we try to help where we can.
Quite a while back I began taking a portion of scripture and 'digging' into its meaning. I look up the meanings of the words and ask God to help me write it in more of a current style without losing the original intent. When I got sick with lymes disease earlier this summer my brain just couldn't seem to handle that level of activity. More recently I have been getting back into the "Word" in the 'digging' sort of way. I had begun studying Psalm 68 before I got sick. For anyone who might be interested in my current 'results' I posted Psalm 68 in the Paraphrase link to the right. It is rather 'long' but there were some very interesting thoughts as well as some expansions on my picture of God that I have received from this passage. Here are a few that blessed me (using my paraphrases)
4 Worshipfully celebrate - with songs, music and even dancing – the Creator God who ‘carried’ you through difficult times. Even use His most sacred name, JEHOVAH, with rejoicing as He smiles at you.
There are a number of passages in this Psalm on God's desire for worship.
11 - 12 The Lord taught the song and many people learned it for a multitude of women joyfully shared with God’s family the good news that the opposition leadership had been cast out and fled. 13 You who have rested in God’s love are protected by Him – likebeing ‘under’ His covering ‘wings’.
This is definitely worth our efforts - to tell others that the opposition to God has been cast out. There are many more gems but for now I'll just share one more. (You are welcome to read the whole passage as you wish.)
) 20 Our Mighty One, our Supreme God, saves. Our loving Lord delivers even from disease and death. 21 But this same strong God irritatingly agitates those who hate Him, and those who persist in doing wrong get a defensive attitude against Him.
I need to be going for now. Until we meet again may the God who is Love fill your heart with His Peace and His JOY in believing.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago