Peace. Hmm, just when there is a lack of conflict? What about peace 'in a conflict'? Jesus talked about 'leaving peace within us'. So, how does that apply to me when I want and desire to be a 'bringer of peace'? One lesson I believe the Lord has been presenting to me has been that 'bringing peace' (or should I say 'offering peace') is not so dependent on outward activity or actions as a 'state of mind'.
Let's see. Jesus is the "Prince of Peace". When He is in control of me by a choice of my will. then my delight will become to share that peace - His peace - with others.
Oh, that sounds s- o- pious. Or should I dare use a little stronger term - might there be some legality flavor if I'm not careful? Much as I don't like the idea, it can be -- IF!!
So what might be some of the 'if's that could distort my understanding of 'peace' and how to 'bring it' or share it - God's kind anyway?
Is this one possibility? If I am only mentally assenting to 'Jesus in control' then is it getting into the realm of 'legal'.
Could a misunderstanding of what God 'peace' means or is all about cause problems? "If so and so would do (or say) such and such then there would be more peace around here." (Wishful thinking to say the least. I've been trying it lately, but it hasn't worked much yet, if any.)
Is true peace something that another human being can 'give' to me or 'take away' from me at their will?
This can get real confusing IF all the definitions of 'peace' are stirred into a common 'dictionary'.
So, for this time I am going to share a definition of peace that came from a study I did when preparing for a Vacation Bible School (VBS) called "Camp JOY".
Let me put a little note of explanation here. I recently learned that science has 'discovered' THE way a brain develops the capacity to cope with stress of all kinds is through experiencing with another mind two key, interlocking emotional experiences. I don't know if one of them 'has to be' first but when speaking of this duo I call it the 'JOY-PEACE' cycle.
I suppose the Lord figured out I would learn more about it if I shared it with someone else so He pushed me into doing a VBS called "Camp JOY" where the goal was to learn about the above 'JOY-PEACE' cycle and experience it.
When I teach I feel the need to have at least a beginning understanding of words that I am sharing with others. Also keep in mind that these words can only become experiential (happen) when two minds are in harmony with each other. (How to experience harmony with another mind is another whole Vacation Bible School program in itself. Maybe more on that later.)
Well, here goes.
JOY - Accepting and experiencing that someone else loves for you to be with them. Accepting and experiencing that you are the 'apple of their eye' and you are truly special to them.
PEACE - Because another mind loves for you to be with them, and you KNOW that you are so special to them, you experience 'quietness', you are comfortable in their presence, you feel you can 'fall into their arms', so to speak, and like a trusting child you feel you could 'go to sleep' in their 'arms'.
You know something? that kind of peace CAN'T be legal. That kind of peace is experiential.
And the more I am learning about that kind of peace the more I want to share it.
So how can I share this kind of peace?
I was just talking with my brother a little on this and some related topics. The development of the JOY/PEACE cycle begins with baby maturity where he/she learns how to receive JOY/PEACE from others.
The next stage of maturity - a child - leads the developing mind into learning how to begin to 'share' JOY and PEACE with another mind, beginning with one other mind at a time. Adult maturity leads to learning how to and experiencing JOY/PEACE in a 'group' for the good of all in the 'family' (group). Then comes 'parenthood'. Mature parents learn how to 'give' JOY and PEACE and give JOY and PEACE and give JOY and PEACE and give . . . on and on and on.
Somehow I get the feeling that the Lord is trying to 'grow me up'. I believe He has been guiding me into offering to 'give' JOY and PEACE even when others don't know they 'want' it. Babies don't always know they need JOY and PEACE but they do.
How have I been 'doing'? Not so sure on that part. Many times in my life I have made the comment that I think I have brought 'pieces' instead of 'peace'.
On the other hand, as I have been learning about Jesus' kind of "Peace" I have begun to realize more and more that His Peace is not like the peace the world has to offer. His peace is always being offered to me and I can receive it by accepting it from Him. So, in my life, I can offer peace to others, the decision to receive it remains with them.
If you are reading this, just know that you are special. May the Peace that passes all understanding be a special gift through me to you from Jesus.
Maiden, bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago