A lot has happened since the children's program finished. As a follow-up report I sensed the children did enjoy the activities and that some areas could have been improved - as usual.
The morning after the meetings were over I had 'nothing' more to give so ended up resting most of the day. I would liked to have been able to get to church but that was outside of my capabilities. Sometimes it is best to just 'come apart and rest awhile'.
But that didn't last long. There are other challenges to face, other jobs to finish, other lessons to learn. One of the current character development lessons at this time seems to be learning God's plan for management. A number of years ago we were given the responsibility to manage a farm property. While the owner was here it was pretty much do what was asked. Now that the owner is not on the premises, the management is now more in our 'hands', so to speak.
Well, for one thing, we haven't found many folk who have some of the same concepts as we have been attempting to function on. Another factor is that as we have been learning about spiritual maturity levels and have also been delving deeper into God's plan for management we have been having conflicts of perhaps a somewhat different nature than before.
Yesterday I decided to do a specific study of how Jesus managed while He lived as a man here on planet earth. That has already been a big 'eye opener' in more ways than one.
There will be more but thus far I have been coming up with some very interesting 'contrasts'. I say contrasts because the way I thought management was to be done and how the Bible is presenting it has thus far almost always been contrast rather than comparison. Here are a few.
Worldly business management primarily appears to be to get gain - at others expense.
Godly management serves others in order to reveal more of what God is really like.
Jesus was the best example of a 'servant' manager.
Worldly management practices 'expect' those being managed to 'do this' or 'act that way'.
Godly management believes in those being managed - thus encouraging positive responses.
Conversion changes a person from expecting from others to believing in others.
Jesus believed in Peter - when you are converted, strengthen others
This 'faith of Jesus' will be 'copied' by His managers.
Worldly management makes the 'rules' and tells what is to 'be'.
Godly management accepts the owners 'rules' and encourages those being managed both by words and works, showing the advantages of accepting God's love and sharing it with others.
Jesus is the king of the universe yet He walked and lived for over three years with a group of men who spent a lot of time 'fussing, and feuding and fretting' over who would be greatest. When there were 'open moments' - when they were really listening - He would use illustrations to turn their minds from 'who was greatest', according to worldly management practices of their day, to the advantages to being channels whereby God's love could flow even more freely to those around them. At times He did rebuke John and Peter in particular - because they had come to the point of wanting what He had to offer. He would correct them when the 'time was right', as well as encourage and guide them into a better course.
[Interestingly enough He also knew that one disciple was not open to being corrected and/or rebuked so Jesus did not give Judas any
open rebuke until the last week of His life - at Simon's feast. The result of rebuking Judas at that time was that Judas immediately went to the priests and began to negotiate how he could betray Jesus into their hands.]
Worldly management may 'help' but more often expects those managed to 'do it' themselves.
God's managers provide guidance, ask questions as a means of 'awakening' a desire to do things God's way, and look for motives to be encouraged as well as giving freedom of choice.
Most of Christ's active ministry was spent healing and teaching, and more of the time the disciples were actively engaged in the activities. There were times, however, when Jesus would take time to ask questions as well as answer queries of His family of disciples away from the crowds. During these precious moments He would look for opportunities to encourage and share 'something better' as well.
Worldly management puts confidence when it considers it will benefit thereby.
God's management respects each individually unconditionally.
God's management reveals to those managed evidences that they can are believed in, leading their minds to that fact that God can truly be trusted.
There is much more, but for now I am learning that God's way of dealing in management is a lot different than most of what I had been taught in management skills previously.
As we more deeply experience God's love in our own lives we too will believe that others can experience it in their lives as well.
One closing thought is that when we learn that God is truly trustworthy and we choose to trust in His plan (faith) and His timing (patience), we too will experience the joy of the Lord and the Peace that passes all understanding.
Yours in Christ,
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago